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When Do You Need a Pittsburgh Elder Law Lawyer?

Feb 20, 2022

Searching for an Elder Law attorney can feel like an overwhelming task. You might be wondering, when do I need a Pittsburgh Elder Law lawyer? How do I choose one attorney out of the hundreds of law groups online search engines provide? What can I expect during my first consultation with the attorney? 

This article aims to ease some of your concerns and address those issues, so you can confidently find and select a Pittsburgh Elder Law attorney that’s right for you.

10 Reasons You Need to Hire an Elder Law Attorney

If you’re unsure when you need a Pittsburgh Elder Law lawyer, review the following questions to see if you (or your loved one) are ready for help.

  • Are you over the age of 55?
  • Are you disabled, incapacitated, or diagnosed with a disability? 
  • Do you need assistance with long-term health care planning?
  • Are you looking for more information on Medicaid planning or Special Needs Trust planning?
  • Do you need to select a Power of Attorney?
  • Are you applying for Veterans benefits?
  • Do you need to set up a Living Trust?
  • Do you need help to transfer assets to another person?
  • Are you trying to pay for long-term care?
  • Are you worried about ensuring your medical wishes are met if you need short-term care protection?

If you answered ‘yes’ to even one of the questions above, you should consider contacting an Elder Law attorney for a consultation. 

Helpful Tips on Selecting a Pittsburgh Elder Law Lawyer

Now that you know you need to talk with a lawyer, here are some ways you can evaluate potential law groups to find the right one for you.

  • Review their years of experience 
  • Look for memberships to Elder Law associations which helps to strengthen their expertise
    • National Academy of Elder Law Attorney (NAELA)
    • Pennsylvania Association of Elder Law Attorneys
    • Allegheny County Bar Association
  • Find someone local to your area
  • Read their online reviews from past clients 
  • Ask to see their professional credentials
  • Find out if they offer a free consultation 

Additionally, you can search the NAELA (National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys) website and the NELF (National Elder Law Foundation) website to help you research.

Here’s What to Expect During an Elder Law Attorney Consultation 

Now that you’ve finally found an Elder Law attorney and scheduled a consultation, here are two things you can expect during your appointment. 

#1 Bring All Necessary Information with You

  • Bank and investment account statements (single and joint accounts)
  • Retirement statements (pensions, IRAs, and 401ks) 
  • Mortgage and property tax statements
  • List of all debts 
  • Asset summaries (vehicles, pre-paid funeral plans, etc.)
  • Life insurance policies
  • Health insurance policies, including long term and disability policies)
  • Income sources 
  • List of all dependents 
  • Current Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, etc. 

#2 Be Prepared for Questions and Bring Your Own

You’ll be asked some questions during the consultation. Think about how you would answer the following.

  • What medical wishes do you want to be followed if you’re unable to make a choice yourself?
  • How would you provide for your family (spouse and children) if you’re unable to work? 
  • Which loved ones do you want to receive your property and assets?

Additionally, come prepared with your own questions for the lawyer.

Contact Auld Brothers When You Need a Pittsburgh Elder Law Lawyer

At Auld Brothers Law Group, our team understands that end-of-life plans can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to make the process easier. We’ll provide you with clear, straightforward information so you know which options are available.

Schedule your free, 30-minute consultation with legal advice today.